Save the Date | Transition-Scapes Closing Conference
Transition-Scapes is officially coming to a close at the end of May 2025. In a special afternoon on the 3rd of June, we will present the results of the research project and the development of the prototypes at the Nieuwe Instituut. A detailed program will follow closer to the event, but for now, please block your…

Testing Simulation Model for a Human Powered Community at Huis van de Toekomst
In the past few months, Dirk Bertels and Arthur Van Schravendijk have worked on a Transition-Scape prototype for Huis van de Toekomst in Rotterdam. The goal of Huis van de Toekomst is to develop a whole building block into an energy community that is entirely free of fossil fuels, creating a living example of what…

Huis van de Toekomst Prototype Testing at the Nieuwe Instituut After-Summer School
In October, Transition-Scapes and Civic Interaction Design took part in the After Summer School 2024 of the Nieuwe Instituut with a session at Huis van de Toekomst. The After Summer School presents a Rotterdam-based Curriculum for Change. A wide variety of knowledge producers will teach their methods on how to change the city by looking,…

Students Rapid Prototyping on “Human Powered House of the Future”
Working in four teams, 16 students of the AUAS – Master Digital Design, worked on a design brief for Huis van de Toekomst with the topic “Human Powered House of the Future”, as part of the Emerging Ecologies playground. They were asked to contribute to the development of the ‘human-powered community’ in the J.J.P. Oud block…

Transition-Scapes Community of Practice meeting
On July 2, we held a Community of Practice Meeting for all consortium partners to catch up, reflect on our progress, and next steps. The meeting took place at the Nature of Hope exhibition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) at Nieuwe Instituut. Curator Catherine Koekoek gave a guided tour of the exhibition, followed by a…

Students Develop Interactive Tools to Engage Future Residents in Sustainable Living at Haven-Stad
Two groups of students of the AUAS – Minor Urban Interaction Design worked on interactive conversation starters to involve future residents in new ways of sustainable living in Haven-Stad. They primarily focused on people between 18 and 30 years old. One group presented a game named Future Durable Living. Players are challenged to understand different…

Workshop #2 on Huis van de Toekomst
The second workshop took place on April 24-25 at Huis van de Toekomst, aiming to sketch two Transition-Scape prototype concepts for further development and testing. The design brief was based on conclusions from the first workshop earlier this year. During the workshop, we explored (1) the J.J.P. Oud block spaces that are currently available and the initiatives…

Workshop #2 on Imagining a Future Haven-Stad
The second of three workshops for the Transition-Scape prototype for the Haven-Stad took place on April 2-3 at Arcam. The goal was for the multidisciplinary design team to sketch Transition-Scape concepts, and conclude the workshop with a maximum of two ideas for further development. The workshop’s design brief was based on conclusions and insights from the first workshop,…

Workshop #1 on Huis van de Toekomst
The first in a series of three prototyping workshops with Huis van de Toekomst took place on February 28 and 29. During this first workshop, we worked on the design assignment for developing a prototype in which we want to visualize and discuss a radical rethinking of the current energy supply, financial flows, spatial qualities and how…

Students Rapid Prototyping on Crafting Conversations about the Energy Transition in Haven-Stad
AUAS – Master Digital Design students worked on ‘Inclusive Futures: Crafting Conversations on Energy Transitions in Haven-Stad’. This was the first of several rapid prototyping exercises within the Transition-Scapes research project. Students were asked to design ways to involve future inhabitants to be able to become engaged in imagining a sustainable and delightful Haven-Stad. How might we…

Workshop #1 on Imagining a Future Haven-Stad
The first in a series of three prototyping workshops took place at the end of January in Arcam and brought together the design partners working on the Haven-Stad case including UNStudio, One Architecture, Shosho and Clever Franke. The goal of the workshop was to define which problem(s) the Transition-Scapes prototype should try to address and…

Workshop at CrAFting Tomorrow’s Cities
The Horizon Europe-funded project Creating Actionable Futures (CrAFt), which is part of the New European Bauhaus initiative, investigates the power of local collaborative methods to forge new pathways towards climate neutrality. In February 2024, city representatives and policymakers from CrAFt Cities and the NEB Alliance gathered in Amsterdam to delve into the potential of local stakeholder collaboration…

Huis van de Toekomst’s Next Step
In anticipation of the Netherlands becoming gas-free by 2050, Bospolder-Tussendijken (BoTu) is one of the first Rotterdam districts to switch off natural gas. Housing corporation Havensteder is making 1,300 homes here gas-free. In addition, the residents themselves play a major role. On December 13th 2023, representatives of Havensteder, Eneco, the municipality of Rotterdam and Huis…

Transition-Scapes at Stadmakerscongres 2023
In November 2023, we were invited to host a roundtable discussion as part of the program ‘Infrastructuur van Invloed’ of the annual Stadmakerscongres, curated by Robbert de Vrieze. The focus of the program was the positioning of diverse city-makers within large transitions and new ways of collaboration. It was organized in the form of 10 simultaneous…

Model-City Haven-Stad Opens at ARCAM
Since November 2023, visitors at ARCAM can learn more about the spatial story of Haven-Stad, the largest urban expansion in the Netherlands, through a brand-new multimedia installation. The installation includes a large-scale model, accompanied by visual material on the history of the area, portraits of businesses in the area, and plans developed over the years. In a nearby…

Kick-off Transition-Scapes
The Transition-Scapes kick-off meeting took place on the 19th of September, 2023 at HvA Theo Thijssenhuis (TTH) and was attended by representatives of almost all consortium partners. The meeting featured presentations by the research team, an introduction of the two cases, the future development of Haven-Stad in Amsterdam by ARCAM and the interventions of Huis van de Toekomst in Bospolder-Tussendijken,…